
This publication is known for its unique & sharp writing style. Over the period of years, it has coin or popularized many terms like “pundit”, “socialite”, “tycoon”. It is even credited with streamlining the terms “World War I” & “World War II”.
Identify the publication.

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Time Magazine. The magazine has had a very specific style of writing sometimes called "Timestyle".
Read More about the contribution of the magazine over the years.


6 men were sent for an assassination. The first two failed to act. The third threw a bomb which bounced off the target’s car and exploded under the car behind.
The target then went to a town hall to give a pre-planned speech. On his way back, the target’s car happened to stall, separated from his security. A fourth assassin was waiting there by chance, who then fired 2 shots, killing the target and his wife.
Who was the target?

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The assassination which started World War I.
Watch a more detailed retelling of the events