
The conflict between Russia & Ukraine has been cited as the first large scale use of this technology in warfare. The ability to neutralize a multi million dollar equipment such as a tank with a $500 weapon has been a game changer.
Looking this trend the Ukrainian government has even created an ‘Unmanned System Forces’ earlier in 2024 to specialize on this front.
Which technology am I talking about?

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(Warfare) Drones
The war in Ukraine has been characterized by drone deployment of unprecedented scale, with thousands of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) used to track enemy forces, guide artillery and bomb targets.
Read more about use of Drone in Ukraine & State of Drone Warfare.
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The following are countries ranked in descending order according to a geographical measure. Identify the measure & give the top ranking country in the world. 

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Length of coastline. X is Canada.
Canada has more than 50,000 islands giving it a major lead in coastline. Canada has 2,00,000 km of coastline, whereas Norway the second in the list has just 80,000 km.
See the Complete List.


It has been stated that the decision to sell X was a political one, rather than financial one. Both Y & Z, who were involved in the transaction were cordial to neutral towards each other.
Y wanted to get rid of X as it was difficult for them to protect it, due to its proximity to Britain’s empire. While Z thought of it as a bargain, getting it at an equivalent of $129 million in 2023.
Give me X, Y & Z.

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X - Alaska, Y - Russian Empire, Z - United States
Remember, Canada was under the Britain control at the time, which Russia did not appreciate.
Read More.


Identify X and give funda.
United States – X
Russia – GLONASS
China – BeiDou
European Union – Galileo
India – NacIC
Japan – QZSS

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These are the different Global Navigational Satellite Systems:
United States: Global Positioning System (GPS)
Russia: Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
China: BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
European Union: Galileo
Countries with Regional Navigational Satellite Systems:
India: Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC)
Japan: Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)
Read about the politics of different Global Positioning Systems.


There is an urban legend related to the political leadership of Russia. It has been followed from 1825, since the time of Nicholas I. Its latest occurrence can be seen in the last 4 leaders as well.
What am I talking about?
Russian leaders

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Bald-hairy, referring to the empirical rule of the state leaders' succession defined as a change of a bald or balding leader to a hairy one and vice versa.
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