
X is a measure of protection which is found on personal care products. There is a common misconception that X represents the number of minutes or hours of protection provided.
In reality, X is a relative number for the amount of protection provided, with the product only allowing for 1/X harmful effects. Hence, higher numbers don’t necessarily mean a significant protection.
Can you identify X?

X %Protection
2 50%
5 80%
15 93.33%
30 96.67%
50 98%

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SPF or Sun Protection Factor in sunscreens.
Governments have banned higher SPFs to stop customers from being misled. In fact, proper application of creams is more important than the SPF number itself.
Everything you need to know about Sunscreens.


The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act introduced in 1998 increased copyright duration for works of corporate authorship to 95 years from publication or 120 years after creation, whichever end is earlier.
The law was seen as targeted step to by a corporation from letting one of their biggest characters from entering into the public domain. So much so that the law is sometimes referred to as _____    _____ Protection Act – named after the character.
In 2024, this character has finally entered public domain.
Name the character & the corporation behind it.

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Mickey Mouse. The law was derisively called Mickey Mouse Protection Act.
However, do note that this applies only to the SteamBoat Willie Mickey Mouse which came out in 1928. The current version of Mickey used by Disney is still under protection.
Here's a good explainer on what's going on .