
Hosting the Olympic Games is considered a great honour in sports, with 7-10 countries competing in general.
However, when the bid for 2024 Olympics was being decided, the IOC took a decision which was a first in the history of the games.
What was different about the selection process for the 2024 Olympics?

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For the selection of 2024 Olympics (done in 2017) there were only 2 bidders. Fearing no bidders for the next iteration, the Committee handed out 2 consecutive hosting rights at the same session, Paris - 2024 & Los Angeles - 2028.
It is an open secret that the Olympic Games drain more from the economy that they put into.
Watch This Video for a deep dive on the topic.


Connect the following clues from a non-exhaustive list:
1988 – a dove carrying a laurel branch
2000 – Sydney Opera House
2008 – Jade ring
2012 – Thames river
2024 – scrap of iron from the Eiffel Tower

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These are the different designs on the Olympic (Summer) medals over the years.
1988 - Seoul - a dove carrying a laurel branch
2000 - Sydney - Sydney Opera House
2008 - Beijing - Jade ring
2012 - London - Thames River
2024 - Paris - scrap of iron from the Eiffel Tower

Read About the history of Olympic medal designs.
Take a Look at the designs in detail.