
The name of this video game comes from a type of crime committed.
Some of the stories that the games have followed are:
Protagonist returning home after the murder of his mother and finding his friends & family in disarray.
An Eastern European immigrant seeking a fresh start and the American Dream.
A mobster recently released from prison, who’s sent to oversee a drug deal.
Identify the game.

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Grand Theft Auto
Ever since the release of Grand Theft Auto III in 2001, the Grand Theft Auto series has been a major success, both critically and financially. It has shipped more than 425 million units, making it one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time.
Did you watch the GTA 6 Trailer yet?
Also see the Story of each GTA released so far.


Hosting the Olympic Games is considered a great honour in sports, with 7-10 countries competing in general.
However, when the bid for 2024 Olympics was being decided, the IOC took a decision which was a first in the history of the games.
What was different about the selection process for the 2024 Olympics?

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For the selection of 2024 Olympics (done in 2017) there were only 2 bidders. Fearing no bidders for the next iteration, the Committee handed out 2 consecutive hosting rights at the same session, Paris - 2024 & Los Angeles - 2028.
It is an open secret that the Olympic Games drain more from the economy that they put into.
Watch This Video for a deep dive on the topic.