
Prior to his most famous match, X announced that he would win by a margin of 5-0, or 4-1, in the 5 game series. The match did end up with a 4-1 result, only it was in favour of X’s opponent. He later said of the match (after his win in game 4)
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good after winning just one match. I remember when I said I will win all or lose just one game in the beginning. If this had really happened ― I won 3 rounds and lost this round ― it would have had a great bearing on my reputation. However, since I won after losing 3 games in a row, I am so happy. I will never exchange this win for anything in the world. I, X, lost, but mankind did not.”
Id X.

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X is Lee Sudol who played 5 games against Google's AlphaGo, the computer trained to play the strategy game of Go. Even though the player lost 4 games, he was impressed to see how well the computer played the game.
Read More about the match.