
Connect the following to the world of technology:
1. A pack animal from South America
2. A boy’s name of French origin
3. A Zodiac constellation
4. Sanskrit for something which is not natural
5. An invented word for the Martian language, meaning deep understanding

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These are various large language models or LLMs behind Artificial General Intelligence.
1. Llama - Meta
2. Claude - Anthropic
3. Gemini - Google
4. Krutrim - Ola
5. Grok - Twitter/X


The following is the graph of 3 point attempts being taken in basketball over the years.
Which 6ft 3in & 4 times NBA champion is credited with changing the sport, and increasing this trend?


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Stephen Curry.
Read this Amazing Article on the life & impact of the player.
Here's an Article on the Evolution of the 3-point shot in basketball.


Endosymbiosys is the process in which one species is engulfed by another, and continues to live inside the host in a symbiotic relationship.
Roughly 2.2 billion years ago an archaea virus absorbed a bacterium to create X.
1.6 billion years ago, cyanobacteria was absorbed by some advanced organism creating Y.
Can you identify X & Y, which have had life changing impact on Earth?

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X is Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.
Y is chloroplast, the substance which absorbs sunlight to make energy, & is responsible for making plants.
A new such phenomenon was recently found. Read More.


The Bene Gesserit is a psuedo-religious group from the Dune anthology. They are know for their training their bodies to gain  superior combat skills, precise physiological control, and are highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
They went on to become an inspiration for another similar group seen in a movie launched in 1977. This group became so popular that people across the world identify this as their own religion. Which group am I talking about?

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The Jedi Order from the Star Wars movie.
Star Wars took a lot of inspiration from the Dune books. Read More.


ENSO is a weather phenomenon which was originally named after Jesus Christ and is caused by the variation in winds blowing over the Pacific Ocean. It typically occurs every 2 to 7 years and is responsible for heavy rainfall on one of the Pacific, to droughts on the other.
Can you identify this weather phenomenon?

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El Nino Southern Oscillation, or just El Nino in short. The weather pattern was discovered by sailors around Christmas time, related it to Christ himself. Its effects are not only restricted to the Pacific, but have the capability to affect global climate in general.
Watch a great explainer video by Khan Academy.


At the end of the World War I, the German navy sank their own naval fleet rather than handing it over the British Royal Navy, going against Treaty of Versailles. This was done at Scapa Flow, an archipelago north of UK.
The scrap from the sunken fleet became more valuable after World War II and is being currently used in a scientific tool.
Can you identify how these scraps are being used?

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The steel from the scrap is used for Geiger counter, used to measure radioactivity. This is because the steel was formed in pre-atomic era and is not contaminated.
Read More about the interesting incident.


In 1950s, Marcel X started a business of manufacturing stationary items in France & then expanded it globally. He named the company Y, by dropping a letter from his surname X, to avoid sounding like a curse word in the English language.
The company has since then, sold 100 billion units of this product, making it the best selling product in its category.
Identify the company Y. Bonus points for getting the founder’s name X.

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The company Y is Bic, the world leader in ballpoint pens. It also has a sizeable share in the lighters and shaving razor categories. The company was found by Marcel Bich.


This word is constructed from Greek words meaning ‘rock’ & ‘blood of Gods’.
The phenomena occurs when plant oils & bacteria in the ground get activated after a dry spell.
Can you identify the good word?

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Petrichor, the scent of wet soil during rain.
Read More.


This element was first discovered through spectral lines of the sun in India in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen. As the element was observed to be coming from the sun, it was named after a Sun God.
It was later found to the the second most abundant element in the universe by mass.
Identify the element.

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Helium. A noble gas, and second most abundant element in the universe, after only Hydrogen itself.
Watch a NatGeo Video about the element.


Connect the following:
1. Fighters in the American Revolutionary War, known for their fast reaction
2. Goddess of Fire
3. Eastern wind in Chinese
4. A three pronged spear
5. Russian for white poplar tree

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These are names of ICBM or nuclear capable missiles of different countries.
1. Minutemen - USA
2. Agni - India
3. DongFeng - China
4. Trident - UK
5. Topol - Russia
Read More.


Can you guess the mythological hybrid creatures created with the following combinations:
1. Lion + Goat + Snake
2. Eagle + Lion
3. Human + Eagle + Lion
4. Human + Lion + Scorpian
5. Human + Bull

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1. Chimera - Lion with the head of a Goat attached to the body & a Snake as the tail.
Griffin - Front body of an Eagle, back body of a Lion
Sphinx - Head of a Human, the body of a Lion, and the wings of an Eagle
Manticore - Head of a Human, the body of a Lion, and the tail of a Scorpion
Minotaur - Head of a Bull, Body of a Human
Did anyone else notice an abundance of lions? Go deep into the list of Hybrid Creatures in Folklore.


X is owned by The Wonderful Company, headquartered in the US, where the product is especially popular. It is is marketed as an artisanal product, and is named after the country of its origin. 
The positioning of the product has in turn promoted the tourism industry in the country X, which is now seen as exotic and natural.
Hint: Check the exports data (2021) of the country.

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The product is Fiji water, which is sourced & named after the country of Fiji in the South Pacific Ocean. Water forms 25% of exports.
Watch a Video behind the brand & the country.


On December 21, 1913, Arthur Wynne published X in the New York World newspaper. By 1925, the craze for X was in full force, with people both criticizing the irrelevant mental gymnastics, and also addicted to the hobby.
The word X became part of the Oxford English Dictionary in 1933 and still finds a place in our current world.
What is X?

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Crossword puzzles.
Read About the how it was treated as a Candy Crush of its own era.


X is a group started in 2009, and has 5 members, a bearded guy, a tall guy, purple hoser & two twins. The group is mostly active in sports-adjacent content & holds 17 Guinness World Records.
Their website says “Five ____, a camera & a friends bet. That’s how X was born”.
Can you identify the group?

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Dude Perfect, the group know for their trick shots on YouTube.
Check out Dude Perfect Channel in case you don't know about them.


The practice of distributing condoms at this sports event started in 1988 to raise awareness for HIV & AIDS. The practice was halted in the 2020/21 edition due to the ban on intimacy laws during the pandemic.
The practice has been resumed from this year’s event, where 300,000 condoms would be distributed for about 14,000 participants.
Which event am I talking about?

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The Olympics, which will be held in Paris this year.
Read More about the background of the practise.


How is the mountain below related to the world of confectionery?

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It is called the Matterhorn, a mountain in the Alps between Italy & Switzerland & is featured on the packaging of Toblerone chocolates. There is also a report stating that the mountain will be removed from the packaging, as the company will be moving production away from Switzerland.
Read More.


Company X recently announced retirement of its product Y, especially at a time when its product category has seen a lot of coverage. This has been been due to the dated hydraulic architecture of Y.
Known for doing choreographed dancing & being pushed around, the product is named after a mythical character holding the weight of the heavens.
Identify the company X & the product Y.

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Atlas the humanoid robot from Boston Dynamics.
Here's a Goodbye Video from the company.
Surprisingly, the company has released a new electric model the very next day. Watch the Video.


While Jet-setting refers to luxury travel on a plane, X is a phenomenon of visiting locations from movies & TV shows. This includes Star Wars fans flocked to Death Valley to see the backdrop for Tatooine or visiting Four Seasons, Maui featured in White Lotus.
Can you identify the term X?

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Set-Jetting, a word play on the word jet-setting.
Check out Expedia where you can see a list of all just locations.


Ophiocordyceps is a fungus which is found in tropical environments. It is especially deadly to ants and can kill the insect in 4-10 days.
The nature in which it is deadly is quite dramatic & also became an inspiration behind a famous game & TV series.
Can you identify how the fungus works?

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Also known as zombie fungus, Ophiocordyceps infects ants by alterating their behaviour. Infected ants leave their canopy nests find a suitable location on trees & plants itself until the fungus grows from them.
This was also the inspiration behind Last of Us the game & the subsequent TV series.
Get to Know More.


PB Shelley was a British writer who is considered one of the major English Romantic poets. However, the writer’s second wife X was also a serious writer and wrote multiple novels.
X’s most famous work is Y, a concept which emerged to her after a nightmare. The novel explores man playing God & creating life and is considered one of the earliest example of science fiction.
Id the writer X & her famous novel Y.

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Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein.
Read about the Wild Story of her life.