
Harry Beck devised this with the following simple realization – because most of the system was underground, the physical locations themselves were largely irrelevant to the common person.
Hence, he used lines running only vertically, horizontally, or on 45° diagonals. This is similar to (though not inspired by) the electric circuit diagrams.
What did Harry Beck create, which is considered a standard across the world now?

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The line diagram for the London Underground transport system
Since then, the concept has been used for almost all the metro/transport systems across the world.
Watch the Impact of Beck's map on the world around him.
final scaled


Is it ever too late to start? Can you identify these successful people who started late in life.
1 – She wrote her first book at the age of 31 while living on public assistance between stints as a French teacher
2 – At the age of 35, his first idea was to create a platform for experts to write about topics. Seeing this not work, he created a product where anyone could contribute
3 – He created his first hit comic at the age of 39 and went on to have a Marvelous career in the entertainment industry
4 – He was selling milkshake machines, at the age of 52. He became a Founder of one of the most successful fast-food company
5 – He developed a secret recipe at the age of 65 and became a mascot for his own business

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1 - JK Rowling (Harry Potter)
2 - Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia)
3 – Stan Lee (Marvel)
4 - Ray Kroc (McDonald’s)
5 – Harland Sanders (KFC)
Here's Forbes advice for late starters.


X is mentioned as Claude Frollo’s scientific inspiration in Victor Hugo’s novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
He has been alleged to be the eighth Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.
His name has been mentioned in the pseudohistory book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Umberto Eco’s novel Foucault’s Pendulum, and Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code.
He is also a significant part of a Harry Potter book.

Identify X.

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Nicolas Flamel
He was actually a Real Person.