
“Four and a Half Years (of Struggle) Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice” was the original name for an auto biography by a famous leader. It was later changed to “My Struggle”.
How do we know the book as?

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Mein Kampf
Although it initially had only limited success, Mein Kampf’s popularity grew as did that of Hitler and the Nazis. It eventually became required reading in Germany, and the government bought copies to give as state wedding gifts to newlyweds.
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At the end of the World War I, the German navy sank their own naval fleet rather than handing it over the British Royal Navy, going against Treaty of Versailles. This was done at Scapa Flow, an archipelago north of UK.
The scrap from the sunken fleet became more valuable after World War II and is being currently used in a scientific tool.
Can you identify how these scraps are being used?

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The steel from the scrap is used for Geiger counter, used to measure radioactivity. This is because the steel was formed in pre-atomic era and is not contaminated.
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During the Second World War, the United States established a trade embargo against Nazi Germany, making the export of Coca-Cola syrup difficult. To circumvent this, Max Keith, the head of Coca-Cola Germany, decided to create a new product for the German market, using only ingredients available in Germany at the time.
Which drink did he create, which is now sold around the world these days?

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X is thought to have originated independently in different countries around the world, however the earliest records have been found in China. German educator Friedrich Froebel, inventor of the kindergarten, was an avid advocate of X and its educational benefits and related it to Life, Truth & Beauty. In fact the art form that we know X by today, derives a lot from German ideas, which standardized it & gave it its iconic rules like ‘no cutting’.
Identify X.

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