
In 1992, a paper titled “A fair result in foul weather” was presented at the Royal Statistical Society. This was in response to the rather farcical ending of sports semi final match.
The method introduced the concept of ‘resources’ in making score estimations for truncated games – X & Y. Simply put, a team with more X & Y would have a higher scoring potential.
Give me the Sport, the Method and X & Y. 5 points for each.

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The sport is Cricket, Duckworth-Lewis Method, X - number of overs (balls) yet to be bowled, Y - number of wickets in hand The DL method converts all possible combinations of balls and wickets in hand to a combined “resources remaining” figure, which is expressed in percentage — full 50 overs, and 10 wickets in hand means 100% resources available.
Take a look at the table of Published Score for each combination of wickets & overs left.


The term X was coin as a way of measurement of the English Cricket Team against others. The first version of X occurred between England & Australia in 1877. Over the years, other countries were was included in X – South Africa (1889), West Indies (1928), New Zealand (1980), India (1932) and so on and so forth.
There are 12 teams currently which qualify for X. Identify X.

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Test, as in Test Cricket.
Currently considered as a status, the Test status is conferred upon a country or group of countries by the ICC.
Watch how India is changing the sport of Cricket.


It’s is no secret that the last time England won the Football World Cup was in 1966.
However, the tournament was also the debut tournament for two teams. The first was Portugal. The second was a country from Asia.
Identify the second country.

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North Korea
North Korea actually beat Italy 1–0 on the way to reaching the quarter-finals, where they lost to Portugal 5–3.
North Korea & England were not the best friends at the time. Read about the Political Gymnastics the hosts (England) did for the event.


Signed in 1215, X was a document between the then King of England to establish a rule of law & to give rights to the barons.
Over the years the document has become an inspiration behind the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the American Constitution & even historical figures like Gandhi & Mandela.
Identify X.

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Magna Carta or the Great Charter.
While not particularly unique at the time, the Charter did go on to become famous & an inspiration for freedom movements around the world.
It included principles like "No free man shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or ruined in any way, nor in any way proceeded against, except by the lawful judgement of his peers and the law of the land."
Watch a Video on the history of the document.