
The exact meaning of the number has been a topic of hot debate. It is commonly considered to denote Emperor Nero, who was cruel to Christians.
Symbolically, the number 7 has been thought to represent completeness. Hence, this number (in question) in contract signifies incompleteness and imperfection. Or alternatively, a quality of being complete in sinfulness.
Which number am I talking about?

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666 or the number of the Beast
This is in contrast to the Angelic 777.

Revelation 13:18 says, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is 666.”. Hence marking any person with this number to be devil incarnate.
Read More about the (deep) Interpretation of the number.


During the American Liquor Prohibition period, Southern California elites would go to Tijuana for a drink. It was in this time period that X opened a restaurant in Tijuana.
According to an urban legend, on July 4th, 1924 the restaurant received too many guests & X threw together whatever leftovers he had. The dish was originally supposed to be a finger food, but has become an emperor of a dish.
What am I talking about?

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Caesar Salad.
Yes the dish is named after an Italian American chef, rather than the emperor of Rome.
Read More about its history.


Rather than counting days of the month individually, early Romans had 3 principle days in a month & used to measure days from there. These were:
Kalends – beginning of the month
Nones – roughly one week into the month
“X” – middle of the month
While the first two are obscure, the third “X” is widely popular in a particular context which is regarded as a day of tragedy.
Identify X & why it might be popular?

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"X" is Ides, same as Ides of March, the day Julius Caesar was assassinated.
Also, that's today!
Read More about the crazy way Romans used to count the days in a month. According to some estimates, at one point they had 10 months with 30-31 days each, & used to keep around 60 days as 'unassigned winter'.