The exact meaning of the number has been a topic of hot debate. It is commonly considered to denote Emperor Nero, who was cruel to Christians.
Symbolically, the number 7 has been thought to represent completeness. Hence, this number (in question) in contract signifies incompleteness and imperfection. Or alternatively, a quality of being complete in sinfulness.
Which number am I talking about?
Tag: Caesar
During the American Liquor Prohibition period, Southern California elites would go to Tijuana for a drink. It was in this time period that X opened a restaurant in Tijuana.
According to an urban legend, on July 4th, 1924 the restaurant received too many guests & X threw together whatever leftovers he had. The dish was originally supposed to be a finger food, but has become an emperor of a dish.
What am I talking about?
Rather than counting days of the month individually, early Romans had 3 principle days in a month & used to measure days from there. These were:
Kalends – beginning of the month
Nones – roughly one week into the month
“X” – middle of the month
While the first two are obscure, the third “X” is widely popular in a particular context which is regarded as a day of tragedy.
Identify X & why it might be popular?