
Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci is known for his coverage in the Iraq & Afghanistan wars. He even won a Pulitzer in 2021 for covering the aftermath and protests of the death of George Floyd.
Evan is in the news recently for his coverage of an event which is ‘one for the history books’.
Can you identify the event?

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Donald Trump's attempted assassination attempt.
When he heard popping sounds, Vucci, who has covered combat situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, said he knew instantly it was gunfire. He rushed to the right hand side of the stage in front of Trump, but his view of the former president was quickly blocked by Secret Service agents. He sensed that the agents would try to hustle Trump offstage and into a vehicle from the other side, so he darted over there. From that position, he said, “everything kind of opened up for me."
Read More about how photographers covered the assassination attempt.


Rather than counting days of the month individually, early Romans had 3 principle days in a month & used to measure days from there. These were:
Kalends – beginning of the month
Nones – roughly one week into the month
“X” – middle of the month
While the first two are obscure, the third “X” is widely popular in a particular context which is regarded as a day of tragedy.
Identify X & why it might be popular?

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"X" is Ides, same as Ides of March, the day Julius Caesar was assassinated.
Also, that's today!
Read More about the crazy way Romans used to count the days in a month. According to some estimates, at one point they had 10 months with 30-31 days each, & used to keep around 60 days as 'unassigned winter'.