
The recently released cover of Time’s take on 100 influential people in the world of AI has two actors (covered in green).
The first is known for their work in movie on AI, which later became a point of issue for the actor.
The second is an Indian actor, who fought and won a case preventing AI to use his likeness.
Can you identify them both?
AI Times Q

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Scarlett Johansson & Anil Kapoor
Scarlett known for voicing the AI in the movie 'Her', was at the receiving end when she found that an OpenAI model sounded exactly like her.
Anil won a case in New Delhi, preventing his likeness to be used by AI, which he went on to dedicate to actors across the globe.
The cover has also come under fire for not including biggies of the industry like Elon Musk & Sam Altman.
AI Times A