
Concept of X originated in Japan pre-17th century (perhaps originating from China even earlier).
X most commonly consists of 3 characters: Mizaru, Kikazaru, Iwazaru and in some variations, even a fourth one called Sezaru.
X entered the Indian culture when it was gifted to Mahatma Gandhi by a Japanese monk named Nichidatsu Fujii.
What am I talking about?

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A Japanese scroll depicting X
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Three Wise Monkeys
Mizaru "does not see evil", covering his eyes
Kikazaru "does not hear evil", covering his ears
Iwazaru "does not speak evil", covering his mouth
Also sometimes Sezaru "does no evil", covering his privates
Read about the Origin of the philosophy.



The name of a tribe mentioned in the Rig Veda and notable for participating in the Battle of the Ten Kings.
The name of the king who was the son of King Dushyanta of Hastinapur and Queen Sakuntala. He was also an ancestor of the Pandavas and Kauravas.
These are two of the possible origin stories for which word?

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Both the tribe & the king were named Bharat. The Mahabharata itself is named after the king.
Over the years, there were many more names given to India - Jambudvipa, Gyagar, Phagyul, Tianzhu. Read More.


Diclofenac is a non-steroidal painkiller for cattle which was commonly used in India. However, as a second-order effect, the drug led to 90-98% loss of another species of animal.
While the drug was banned in 2006, it is estimated that it has caused more than $69bn per year in mortality damages or the economic costs.
Which animal suffered because of the drug?

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The birds were feeding on cattle carcass, ingesting the medicine, leading to their kidney failures.
Considered nature’s sanitation service because of the important role they play in removing dead animals that contain bacteria and pathogens from our environment.
Read BBC's Coverage of the issue.


The word X comes from Old French word meaning leather bag. Over the years, the word X started to mean the contents rather than the bag itself.
In India, X left its etymological roots in 2019 & again in 2021 when it went paperless.
Identify X.

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The Budget
In the mid 18th century, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in presenting his annual statement, was said ‘to open the budget’. In the late 19th century the use of the term was extended from governmental to other finances.
In India the budget was usually carried in a briefcase, but in 2019 it came in a 'bahi khata' & in 2021 in a 'Made in India' tab.
Read More.


X was started as a product shipped to India in the 18th century, under the control of the British East India Company. It originated to combat the long and harsh conditions of sea voyage in which other products would turn stale or sour. This was done by adding in high quantity a member of the Cannabaceae family of flowering plants, which also gave it a bitter (though acquired) taste.
What am I talking about?

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India Pale Ale
It is a type of beer with high hops content, and bitter in taste.
Read More.